Why I added collagen powder to my routine


Boost your hair, skin, and nails!

Summer is almost here- so right before spending countless days in the sun, dipping into the ocean and exploring on land and it’s the perfect time to strengthen our hair, nails and give skin a boost.


Although the sun and sea combo can give us nice beach waves and a nice tan- they can also dry out our hair and nails making them thinner and more fragile. Which will definitely be felt once summer is over.

In order to help give my hair, nails, and skin some extra strength to handle the next few months- I added collagen to my diet.


One of my favorites is Collagen Peptides Powder.



It’s a clear, tasteless powder which makes it easy to mix with water, my favorite smoothies or even summer cocktails.

Collagen is a protein which is a vital building block in our hair, nails, skin, joints and internal organs. As we age we also lose collagen which leads to an increase in wrinkles and makes skin less elastic. In order to minimize this, you should add collagen to your supplement routine and not just in the summer but rather continue it all year!


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